Sunday, September 24, 2017

Eagles As Harbinger Watchmen

Very important Word from Heaven, tells of the commission of Eagles over each city in U.S.

Confirmation of my dream of 1983, concerning an Eagle flying into Mid Heaven, and warning of WW III. I heard the voice of Father saying, "When you see this, it will be all over"! At that, I was lifted like a rocket, suddenly. When I realized that i was speeding swiftly into the clouds, i began to sing. "To God Be The Glory..............." ! The dream was vivid and in full color. My voice became stronger as i rose on higher, and i was filled with joyful anticipation.

As we are surrounded with all Yeshua spoke of in the final days,  it seems that WW III is very very soon to begin. At this writing it is only 4 days to the completion of the 40 days of "T'Shuvah (repentance) . Are we now echoing the days of Noah and of Jonah's warning to Niniva ? We shall soon see. As a nation....................may we, the Body of Messiah be ready.

1 comment:

  1. On Friday Sept 30th we traveled to Raleigh,NC. I found myself in the midst of very high buildings, waiting for Randy to get the car in a parking ramp many blocks away. Like a country girl in a big city awed by the buildings reaching the clouds, i turned my attention to the heavens. Upon seeing the brilliant patch of blue sky it hit me !! The dream of 1983 described above became a perfect picture from my memory and mind's eye. As i gazed upward, there appeared one very wide-winged and dark colored bird ! My heart nearly stopped at the vividness of what i saw. I recalled the voice in my 34 year old dream saying, "WHEN YOU SEE THIS, THE THIRD TIME, IT WILL BE ALL OVER "!! A strange but small fear gripped me, expecting to caught up any moment. In retrospect, i believe that i will soon see the culmination of the Father's declaration. The "3rd time" is at hand. WWIII is the "It will all be over" ! Let us take comfort in this "harbinger", and sing "To God Be The Glory" as we ascend to meet Yeshua in the air, at last.
