Thursday, May 21, 2020

 My Dear Kyle,

 Know that you are so very missed, Grandson. We pray that you are at peace in the freedom from the evil addictions that held you captive and in such misery. Thank you for all the love you displayed to friends and family , and especially for your heart of compassion and generosity you had. When all is said and done, your Father God is the Winner in rescuing you from the enemies of your soul. You now live on forever, awaiting all of us who love you, and who you continue to love. And your darling daughter Lily now carries on your life where you "left off". Continue to watch over your broken hearted mom, and help her sorrow and grief at losing you be turned into joyful memories of your years in her life. Let not the rivers of tears she sheds be in vain in her life. Until we all meet again...... Your "Grammaw" 😪❤️

Kyle's Day of  Salvation
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Saturday, March 28, 2020

God's Timeless Gift Of Hindsight

God's Timeless Gift Of Hindsight
In pondering the events that eventually contained many disappointments or heartbreaks over what seemed to be what was in the will and path of Father's will in my life..............So, please consider this:
Our perspective in this life is based upon our perspective of what we can see, hear, touch, feel, and even smell. In other words, life in our flesh, and not in His eternal plan. We tend to evaluate according to our soulish understanding of every situation that may even escape our common sense. A favorite Word of mine is in Proverbs, Chapter 3. It is a Divine command and reason for Abba's plans. It is this;
 " Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding..........acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct (ALL) your paths". No idea of the secret hidden in that holy and beautiful  Word. That hidden secret, I present is "hindsight".
The subject of this message !
Hindsight is a magnificent Gift from God's hands to ours. Hindsight is losing a cherished loved one and crying out to Heaven, WHY ??. It is that in most every case of lost hope in obtaining any desired thing or circumstance, or in restoring or regaining that loss.
There is a Divine Timepiece in the mind of our God. And when His perfect time comes, our spiritual eyes clear and the answer comes from Heaven. I call it "2020 Hindsight".  That is the time that we rise up with unspeakable joy and praise and gratitude that we did not "get our way".
If our lives are our gift to our God, then He alone knows "the end from the beginning" and in HIS perfect time His gift to us is
"2020 Hindsight" !
All Glory and Honor and Praise to HIM forever ! AMEN.  

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Eagles As Harbinger Watchmen

Very important Word from Heaven, tells of the commission of Eagles over each city in U.S.

Confirmation of my dream of 1983, concerning an Eagle flying into Mid Heaven, and warning of WW III. I heard the voice of Father saying, "When you see this, it will be all over"! At that, I was lifted like a rocket, suddenly. When I realized that i was speeding swiftly into the clouds, i began to sing. "To God Be The Glory..............." ! The dream was vivid and in full color. My voice became stronger as i rose on higher, and i was filled with joyful anticipation.

As we are surrounded with all Yeshua spoke of in the final days,  it seems that WW III is very very soon to begin. At this writing it is only 4 days to the completion of the 40 days of "T'Shuvah (repentance) . Are we now echoing the days of Noah and of Jonah's warning to Niniva ? We shall soon see. As a nation....................may we, the Body of Messiah be ready.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Journey With Rosemarie

As I was awakening this morning, I heard in my spirit the following message. May it resonate with you, as one of those being called to the battleground in the heavenlies.
"It's time for the Church to ..........WAKE up, SHAPE up, SHAKE up, STAND up, SPEAK up, and MAKE up for the years that the locust has eaten ! The day of war has dawned. The day of complacency and silent submission is to be cast aside.  The fields are white unto harvest, and the night is coming soon, when no one can work. So, work while it is yet day. 

"Pray in the Spirit without ceasing, as you join Me, The Chief Intercessor. I will give you utterance, and together Victory will be sure !
Awake, thou sleepers. Put on the full armour of God ! Blow the trumpet in Zion and join My legions of warring Angels I have just dispatched, that are encompassing you all round about."

The Wheat Is Ripe Unto Harvest 

Friday, December 16, 2016

                                              The Womb Of Heaven

Taken from the newest book by Jonathan Cahn, The Book Of Mysteries. I found this to be a most fascinating and 
mind boggling perspective regarding our lives. 
It is titled "The Matrix"

Give a listen and a look at this teaching recently aired
on the Jim Bakker Show.

May The God of all comfort give you peace, prosperity and joy unspeakable!